Employee reward scheme ideas
Don’t underestimate the power of simple, easy to implement reward methods, which can be used to complement a more structured reward scheme.
Thank You!
Whilst this isn’t part of an organised reward system, it’s still invaluable. A simple thank you can mean the world to a dedicated employee and creates a sense of respect that many large organisations lack. Never be afraid to thank your hard workers for doing a good job. Furthermore, a thank you serves as an instant reward and by our very nature, humans love instant recognition.
Celebrating Success via Email
Company-wide email newsletters are great for highlighting successes in different teams. These are especially valuable for connecting departments that aren’t usually aware of what the other does, producing a sense of community within the business. The best successes to highlight in these newsletters are individuals or teams that have benefitted the business as a whole, particularly if they have assisted in fulfilling the company’s mission statement or epitomise a core company value. This will encourage others to do the same, building a tangible ethos for your business.
Employee of the Month
The employee of the month is a classic approach that works, particularly if the employee of the month is voted for by other employees. Not only does this create a sense of respect between employees, but it enables a structured presentation in front of other members of the team. Presenting a positive reward in front of the workforce is a great way of emphasising achievement and good work whilst simultaneously increasing the reward’s value, as achievers know that their colleagues will be aware of their success.
Whether you host a dedicated awards evening at the end of each year or make them bi-annual events, awards based on employee votes are a fun way of giving individuals recognition for their work. Again, acknowledgement from management is one thing, but recognition from colleagues is another entirely. Employees that receive both are the happiest and most productive.
Long Service
Long-service awards reward loyalty to the business and show an appreciation for employee’s dedication. These rewards don’t even need to be expensive. A simple meal out is unique and requires little effort from senior managers, which is appreciated for a long-standing member of the company.