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The construction industry is one of the biggest in the UK; in 2016 alone, it turned over £370 billion and employed more than 3.1 million people. It is a lucrative industry and one that offers reliable employment to many people through it being a necessity. There are many roles within the sector, giving way to people of all backgrounds and skillsets taking up employment within the industry; with jobs ranging from bricklayers to crane drivers and office workers.

One of the most skilled and sought-after roles within the industry is a construction project manager. It is a varied role that determines the overall outcome of a project and has a big impact on whether a project runs smoothly or not. For those looking to advance in the construction industry, a project manager role is a final destination for many because of the rewards it brings, not least of all in terms of the salary.

So, what is the salary of a project manager in construction? Typically, yearly salaries for this role range from £40,000 - £50,000 and upwards per year, providing you with a more than sustainable income, but what is expected of you before you get your wage?

Construction manager jobs

A construction project manager is a well-paid job, and for good reason. It is by no means an easy position due to the diversity of the role and the complexity of the tasks that need to be undertaken. Construction project managers are responsible for the running of the project from start to finish and must make decisions on everything in between, the first of which is the initial planning of the build.

Legalities will need to be considered, as well as any architectural and/or design constraints. Budgets will need to be factored in, as well as material sourcing and staffing. A timeframe will also need to be established and client expectations both managed and met. Any one of these tasks on its own is no mean feat, but a construction project manager is responsible for it all and making sure every phase of the build works in tandem with the others.

Large scale projects, such as a large public building like a shopping mall or a retail park, may have a team of project managers, but freelance managers will likely work on smaller projects like a house build by themselves.

It is a job that requires precision, organisation, lateral thinking, customer relations, leadership and experience within the industry. For this reason, it is a highly competitive position, but it is not the only high paying role that is encompassed by the construction sector.

Construction sector roles

There are many other career routes that can be taken, each one as vital and as rewarding as the last.

The closest thing to a construction project manager is a supervisor. Although a supervisor position carries less responsibility than a project manager role, it remains a complex job that requires many of the same character traits. Setting out employee/contractor work rotas, scheduling the delivery of materials, completing risk assessments/site inspections, and assisting the project manager in their duties are all key components of being a supervisor. For those interested in this career path asking what the average salary for a construction supervisor is, it is a step below a project manager, with an average salary ranging between £30,000 and £40,000.

The job most people think of when it comes to working in the building sector is a basic construction worker. This is a manual labour job, but one that is highly skilled in parts. From constructing scaffolding to loading/unloading materials, operating heavy machinery and keeping the site free of obstacles and debris, a construction worker does it all, but what is the average salary of a construction worker? Depending on experience, you could be looking at between £22,000 to £42,000 for this type of job.

One of the more skilled jobs within construction is that of an engineer. This role requires the person to work closely with the project manager as the engineering logistics of the build are mapped out. This is a more specialised role that often commands a degree in civil engineering. This is due to the complexity and importance of the role in defining whether a project/design is physically achievable or not. Given its skill level, you might be wondering, what is a construction engineer salary? It ranges vastly depending on experience, with entry-level roles starting at £20,000 and rising to £50,000 and upwards as a person progresses in their career.

Construction sector employment

As mentioned, the construction industry is one of the most expansive and offers competitive salaries for all types of roles within it. For this reason, it is common for employees to migrate from one company to the next when an offer of higher pay and better benefits comes in. This can make it hard for businesses in the sector to retain staff.

We offer construction salary surveys which will allow businesses in the sector to remain one step of ahead of their competitors by ensuring they have comprehensive and competitive employment packages in place.

To find out more about how Paydata can help you with retaining staff through competitive pay packages and data, please contact us.

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